December 27, 2023
Avanz is a Hapvida partner and closes 2023 reaping good results from this successful combination, such as the implementation of…

December 04, 2023
Fundação Getúlio Vargas is the entity responsible for managing the operationalization of the Income Transparency Program (PTR) created…

October 26, 2023
In partnership with Calmap, Avanz developed the new system for controlling and managing cargo vehicles, NextCargo. The tool works mainly…

September 28, 2023
With almost five decades of tradition, the Grupo Marquise is responsible for major works that boost the country's development, such as…

May 11, 2023
On May 3 and 4, 2023, Avanz Tecnologia was present at the 2nd Amontada Valley Hackathon, a non-profit entity that offers extensive…